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Bag of 15 sachets - Perfectly orange rooibos

Do you find that people around you are getting a little too serious? Serve them this rooibos to make them jump into puddles.

C$599.50 C$11.99
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Bag of 15 sachets - English Breakfast

A great classic! It’ll make you feel as if you’re a part of the “English aristocratic society” : it's time to eat crumpets for lunch and wear your nicest hat.

C$599.50 C$11.99
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Bag of 15 sachets - Sencha Fukujyu

Perfect for reciting haiku, gong in hand and lost in thoughts.

C$599.50 C$11.99
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Bag of 15 sachets - Tireless mint

Enjoy it in iced tea version laying down on the beach. If you don’t have a beach nearby, we're very sorry for you.

C$599.50 C$11.99
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Bye bye water retention

Drink a liquid to retain less water? It's possible. Trust us.

C$13.50 C$0.27 C$10.00 C$0.20
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Recharge Pro™ Tumbler

Once the infuser is off, you can also use it for hot chocolate, Pepsior even Jack Daniel's. Because, that’s how crazy we are.

C$2,997.50 C$59.95
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