An energizing organic tea! You won’t find anything greener than that!
The secret of impeccable skin ? Sleep ! Drink Sleeping Beauty before bedtime to keep your princess looking face, but without the attitude.
Exhausted? Flu symptoms? Never underestimate the power of chamomile and pj’s. Together, they are only stronger.
For an optimal experience, add sugar and milk. Waggle your hips on furious Indian music. And, it’s on.
Better safe than sorry. Before falling prisoner of your favorite couch, a cup of BoosT. is highly recommended.
Drink a liquid to retain less water? It's possible. Trust us.
There is not much to do in Labrador. Instead, pick your tea in one of our shops.
If you are passionate about Gaelic poetry, you could opt for a caffeine-free beverage instead.
Add milk and sugar to a spicy latte. You are now ready to start an overworked day with a smile.
Drink it tucked in a blanket while watching the leaves fall or when the “trick or treaters” go door to door.
It’s perfect for a romantic summer picnic! Bring out your best smile and your elegant manners. Madame Fruits will take care of the rest.