Tea Rooibos

Koala aroma

Warms the heart and extremities. For an added benefice, a little rum doesn’t hurt either.

C$9.50 C$0.19
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Creamy pistachio

It lends itself admirably to a cake or any other form of festive chocolate dessert with a high caloric content.

C$9.50 C$0.19
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Vitamin T.

If you want to do a naked snow bath, you're going to catch a cold anyway.

C$9.00 C$0.18 C$7.50 C$0.15
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Raspberry rush

Brewing an iced tea? Add fresh raspberries. The experience will transform you.

C$9.50 C$0.19 C$8.00 C$0.16
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Velvety blueberry

Just like a heating pad, but with a lot more taste.

C$8.00 C$0.16
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Awakened T.

If you are passionate about Gaelic poetry, you could opt for a caffeine-free beverage instead.

C$11.00 C$0.22
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One rootbeer can contains 39.2 g of sugar. Just saying ...

C$10.00 C$0.20
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Flowery lavender

Never believe the stories of someone who has just been drinking Flowery lavender. It seems to have a strange effect.

C$9.50 C$0.19
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Pina Colada

It’s a rainy monday morning, you just dropped your phone in a puddle and a passing truck splashes all over? You deserve a little sunny comfort, especially considering the fact that ... you just missed your bus…

C$9.50 C$0.19 C$8.00 C$0.16
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Lemonized rooibos

After eating four or five boars, drink a Lemonized rooibos to help digestion. For the sweet seeker, this infusion is also a great match with dessert …

C$9.00 C$0.18 C$7.50 C$0.15
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Perfectly orange rooibos

Do you find that people around you are getting a little too serious? Serve them this rooibos to make them jump into puddles.

C$9.50 C$0.19
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With a little sugar and milk, this caffeine free chai is great for children that wish to discover tea. After all, we love them even more when they sleep ...

C$9.50 C$0.19
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