Green magic

Le conseil
de Monsieur T.

Typically Green magic can be used to reconnect with nature, or protect yourself from the evil eye; but when it comes to tea, I prefer to rely on antioxidants.

C$0.19 C$0.16

Green magic

Let yourself be flooded with antioxidants with Green magic, where goji berries, blueberries and pomegranate takes center stage. Now, imagine these delicious little fruits on a bed of green tea with a pinch of lemongrass and Centaurea cyanus. No, it's not a sinus medicine, but rather a romantic, beautifully scented little blue flower.

• also available in practical sachets •

Article number: 443251
Availability: In stock
Contains: Chinese Sencha green tea, Goji berries, lemongrass, pomegranate, aromas, blueberry flowers.
For a cup: 1 Monsieur T.'s spoon / 85°C / 3 min
Caffeine: Yes
Availability: All shops
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